

The 2024 edition of the Algebra Week will be held September 10-13, 2024.  SAVE THE DATE!

The Algebra Week is organized by the Informal Group in Algebra and Algebraic Logic (IGAAL) led by Prof. Paolo Aglianò and will take place at the Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione e Scienze Matematiche, Università di Siena (DIISM).

The Algebra Week is a workshop on general algebra and algebraic logic.  The workshop consists of long seminars (two hours), that will be given from Tuesday to Friday. The aim is to give the speakers the opportunity to talk about their ongoing research with less time constraints than in general conference. The first seminar will be held on Tuesday at 11 a.m., so decide your time of arrival accordingly.

In general we invite six/seven junior researchers (graduate students or postdocs) and two seniors. The aim of giving young researchers time and space to talk about their contributions to the field has been the main motivation for the Workshop.

The organizazion is very informal; there is no admission fee. However if you intend to participate please fill out the registration form on this website (which will be available in due time). The only scheduled event is a (modest) dinner on Thursday; if enough people are interested in a small tour through the city of Siena, with a professional english speaking guide, that can be organized on Thursday afternoon.  The cost will be communicated to the participants the first day of the Workshop.

The venue is located in the city center of Siena and it is easy to reach by foot from anywhere in the center.  The DIISM will provide internet connections to all the  participants needing it;  the University of Siena is part of the eduroam network, so presumably many participants can log in with their institutional account.

The programme committee
Paolo Aglianò, Università di Siena
Sara Ugolini, IIIA- CSIC, Barcelona